Reasons Why
HBOT may be right for you:
- Reduces Swelling
- Reduces Edema
- Improves Range of Motion
- Increases the Production of Collagen
- Increases Growth of Cells that form Reparative Tissue (Fibroblastic Proliferation)
- Supports Scar Tissue Rehabilitation
- Promotes Greater Tissue Strength
- Enhances the Growth of New Blood Vessels (Angiogenesis)
- Increases Oxygen Levels in Tissues (Hyperoxia)
- Increases Oxygen Perfusion Area Around Wounds
- Stimulates New Capillary Growth
- Improves Bone Regeneration for Faster Recovery
- Helps Prevent Infection
- Increases White Blood Cell Production
- Enhances Ability of White Blood Cells to Remove Bacteria and Debris (Leukocyte Activity)
- Potentiates the use of Antibiotics
- Destroys Harmful Bacteria (Antimicrobial Effects)
- Reduces Surgery Complications
Diseases / Conditions
that respond well to HBOT:
- Autism
- Burns
- Cancer
- Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
- Cardiovascular Disorders
- Cerebral Palsy
- Chronic pain
- Damage caused by radiation treatments
- Digestive system disorders
- Fibromyalgia
- Frostbite
- Headaches
- Head injuries
- Lyme disease
- Migraines
- Multiple sclerosis
- Near-drowning
- Non-healing wounds
- Parkinson’s disease
- Plastic surgery healing
- Post-Traumatic Stress
- Pre and Post-Operative Treatment
- Skin grafts
- Stroke
- Traumatic Brain Injuries